Sewing Machines
One of the practical life skills taught at NCTC is Tailoring and Design. After graduation, trainees return to their villages and communities with new skills and a box of sewing supplies: thread, needles, pins, measuring tape and other supplies. Sewing machines however were only available periodically to some ladies.
This about to change. Generous donations have made the supply of 50 manual sewing machines possible. The machines are very durable, made of cast iron and powered by a hand crank rather than electricity enabling use in remote villages.
Although it will take some months for them to arrive at Nyangombe, the shipping process has begun. With the support of Nyangombe leadership,Tailoring & Design Trainees past and present will be encouraged to join together with another past trainee and form a small working cooperative in their local areas. They will then present a simple business plan application to receive a sewing machine and if successful, this should enable them to better support their respective families.