Pastors. Elders and Church Leaders

Each year in May, July, and October NCTC offers as part of it’s wider ‘all age’ teaching program throughout the year, ongoing education to leaders from assemblies across the North Western Province of Zambia. Local teachers including speakers from the West, bring a dyamic mix of teaching which NCTC offers in the training of leaders.

This year’s topics have included the Covenants of God, the books of Joshua, Judges, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ester, Malachi, Ephesians, and Revelation among others. Each session takes students through the scripture, provides a historical worldview perspective, and focuses on timeless principles, God’s mission, and His promises.

Times for questions and answers, group work, and the identification of how to apply God’s truths in Lunda culture, assemblies, and local village life, create a profound learning and growth experience.


Lunda Bibles


Youth Weekend