Widows & Widowers
It was very emotional to see so many widows and some widowers turn up at Nyangombe to receive some gifts made possible by the kind donations of overseas Christians through their home assemblies. Many who attend churches in the area spontaneously broke into song, giving thanks to the Lord for His provision
A blanket, some cooking oil, a bag of salt, a bag of dried fish, and a piece of soap and you would think that these dear folks had been given something more precious than diamonds. Distribution of items has to be done with sensitivity and as a clear expression of genuine love.
A meal was the highlight of their day providing time to chat and enjoy a full meal together. Often the elderly do not have access to appetizing food. So, on these occasions, they marvel at the variety and that they can eat all that they want.
This woman said, ‘Who am I that people far away would think of me!’
Spontaneous songs of thanksgiving!